August 27, 2010

Lake Of Tears - So Fell Autumn Rain

Сонсдог хөгжим гэдэг хүний дотоод ертөнцийг тольдож болох нэгэн гарц билээ. Мөн сонсдог хөгжмөөр нь хүнийг аль зэрэг баялаг вэ гэдгийг мэдэж болдог. Lake Of Tears миний хамгийн дуртай хамтлаг. Хамтдаа сонсцгооё.

Leaving with twilight though I was chosen
To wander the way in the darkest of nights
Oh, in the summer sun how soon I came to stray
A true damnation, when I turned away

So fell autumn rain, washed away all my pain
I feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once again
So fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows away
With the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to stay
So fell autumn rain

Blinded by dawning so you would take me
Further away, away from the fall
Oh, you told me I must never dream again
A true damnation, you left me the pain

So fell autumn rain, but all things must pass

So fell autumn rain, washed away all my pain
I feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once again
So fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows away
With the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to stay
So fell winter
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